Connect Error (2000) mysqld cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication ERROR 2049 (HY000): Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused

You are receiving these errors:

Connect Error (2000) mysqld cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication
ERROR 1275 (HY000): Server is running in –secure-auth mode, but ‘dbname’@’localhost’ has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format
ERROR 2049 (HY000): Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)
ERROR 1372 (HY000): Password hash should be a 16-digit hexadecimal number

Your system is definitely storing passwords in the new format.     You are going crazy because your database is offline.

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD(‘cheese’) WHERE User = ‘test’ AND Host = ‘localhost’;
UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = ‘mysql_native_password’ WHERE User = ‘test’ AND Host = ‘localhost’;
flush privileges;

pfSense Transparent Bridge Firewall + VMware ESXi

You have setup pfSense as a VM via the OVA.

Your VM that you want to filter its traffic is on a portgroup on a vSwitch with no uplink.

pfSense has 2 NICs – 1. WAN – Using a portgroup that has internet access 2. LAN – Using the same portgroup/vswitch as your VM that needs its traffic filtered.

Turn on promiscuous mode on all vSwitches being used by pfSense and the VM.

Traffic will not pass without promiscuous mode!

Disable VR (vSphere Replication) on VM

You have long removed SRM/vSphere replication.

You discovered a VM still had vSphere Replication enabled.

system has paused replication disk added to vm

Manually remove vSphere replication from vCenter

1. In a webbrowser go to: http://YOUR-vCenter Server/mob
2. Remove this extensions: “com.vmware.vcHms”

More information about MOB, and removing plugins from vCenter, here:

Remove vSphere replication from the affected VM
1. vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms |grep “NAME OF THE VM” <- You are merely looking for the VM’s ID # 2. vim-cmd hbrsvc/vmreplica.disable [VM #] More hbrsvc commands can be found here:

Are you looking for VMware Hosting that offers cross-site vSphere Replication?  Contact VMDK Hosting

VMware Tools For FreeBSD

cd /usr/ports/emulators/open-vm-tools-nox11/

make all install

vi /etc/rc.conf

vi /etc/ntp.conf
First line: tinker panic 0

vi /boot/loader.conf
vi /etc/sysctl.conf

vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync disable

CentOS / RHEL horrible disk performance with SSD

noop, is essentially a first-in first-out (FIFO) queue with no extra logic.

Each virtual machine can stop worrying about the disk, instead passing I/O requests along to the hypervisor to make a better decision about overall performance.

Add “elevator=noop” to the kernel parameters in your boot loader’s configuration in /etc/grub.conf

`echo noop > /sys/block/${DEVICE}/queue/scheduler`.

Set the default in your kernel config for all VM kernels you roll, with `CONFIG_DEFAULT_IOSCHED=”anticipatory”`.





List off all the rules in order. This helps to see if an allow is overriding one of your denies:

iptables -nvL –line-numbers

Reject or Drop?

Drop means to drop everything at the interface and give no response. Best for port probes and the like.

Reject responds to the source. Best practices for TCP/IP

VMware Virtual Machine Hosting

Malware Protection Designed To Protect

VMware Virtual Machine Hosting

This is scumbag malware designed to take your machine hostage until you pay.

Here is the -quickest- way to eliminate this tediosity:

1. Register the scumware using this serial number: SL55J-T54YHJ61-YHG88

Once this is done it will allow you to now use your computer.

2. Open explorer and delete: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Datadefender.exe

If the file is not there, search for: defender.exe and delete it.

3. Download SpyBot Search & Destroy and run it on your machine:

VMware Virtual Machine Hosting